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What is a GameSurge Affiliate?

An affiliate is an organization that we recognize which provides a significant or unique service to our users or to the network as a whole. Affiliates may consist of a wide variety of organizations ranging from businesses, to online communities, gaming leagues, developers, and even to bot service providers. In general GameSurge Affiliates provide something valuable directly to our users. Such organizations are ambassadors of the network and help put the network in a positive spotlight, help attract new users towards the network, and with our additional support continue to improve their own organization and services, and therefore further benefit our users and the network as a whole.

Some factors that go into determining if an organization qualifies to be a GameSurge Affiliate are:

Does the organization have a sizable presence?

  • We generally do not accept small organizations that do not make a significant contribution to our users unless they offer something to the network.

  • Is the organization credible?

    Affiliates should appear professional at all times. We will not affiliate with any organization that appears to be unprofessional, rude, or "sketchy."

  • Does the organization have a positive reputation?

    How long has the organization been around? In general we only affiliate with established organizations. We do not affiliate with for example leagues or businesses that have just started up and have no track record or solid user base, unless they provide a service which we feel merits such status.

  • Does the organization provide some kind of meaningful and unique service to our users?

    We affiliate with organizations that provide something of significant value to our users, that isn’t available just anywhere. We do not affiliate solely for the purpose of advertisement. We also do not affiliate with generic businesses. While running a server hosting company may be helpful to our users, it does not provide them with anything uniquely helpful. Hosting tournaments and providing free servers on the other hand might qualify.

  • What is the history of the organization on our network?

    If an organization has a previously history on our network it will be taken into account, be it good or bad.

  • The number of similar affiliates we have.

    We try to maintain an informal limit on the number of affiliations we have in the same category. As a general rule, if you offer the same service as a number of our other affiliates we will see no benefit.

  • What benefits do GameSurge Affiliates have

    Depending on the size of your organization and the special needs you might have, we are able to offer a customized package of additional benefits, on top of the benefits our regular users and channels already have. Benefits are granted on a case-by-case basis, determined to fit the needs of your specific organization.

    Naturally benefits are only provided to those organizations that provide significant value and benefit to our network and our users. Our goal is to help unique, established and leading organizations further grow on our network, improving your organization as a whole, and thus directly benefitting our own existing users. As a result we not only attract new users towards our network, but also provide our current users with access to the most professionally organized organizations available.

    See the Affiliate Benefits page for examples and requirements.

    How do I become a GameSurge Affiliate?

    While we will review any request with an open mind, please apply some degree of self-screening. Organizations that wish to apply should consider the factors listed above and take a look at the other organizations listed on our Affiliates overview page. The following things will almost certainly result in the denial of your request:

  • Your organization is new.

    We only accept established organizations with a proven track record. If you have just started a league or service, you should wait a few months and establish yourself in the community before applying.
  • Your organization doesn't provide a service to GameSurge or our users.

    Affiliates provide something helpful to our users. We do not affiliate for mutual advertisement purposes.

  • Your organization provides the same services as many of our other affiliates.

    We cannot grant affiliate status to every organization. If we already have several affiliates offering the same service you provide, we will likely see no benefit for our users in the affiliation.

  • If you feel your organization meets the criteria to become a GameSurge Affiliate, please have someone authorized to make such arrangements fill out the Request Affiliation Form.

    Please note that we must have a way to verify your status with the applying organization. Also remember to answer each question completely and in as much detail as possible. We reserve the right to deny or terminate any affiliation for any reason. If you have a question about affiliating with GameSurge, please contact a member of the Affiliate Liaison Team.

    Important Links

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       Frequently Asked Questions
       New User Guide
       Terms of Service

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