
General Information on SpamServ

SpamServ is a new service running on GameSurge that was introduced to give you better control over the spam in your channel. SpamServ takes care of spammers, following rules you set up. It protects your channel against flooding, join flooding, badwords, notices, botnets, and other things. If your channel is flooded often or you have a lot of spam in it, you might want to use SpamServ to gain control. The high flexibility and the ease of use is what makes SpamServ the ideal protection for your channel. This guide exists to give you all the information there is on SpamServ and how to use it.

Requesting SpamServ

To request SpamServ for your channel, it first must be registered with ChanServ and you need to be the owner of the channel. To request it, do "/msg SpamServ request #channel" and SpamServ will join your channel. After SpamServ is registered, all users with at least the ChanServ setter access on the channel's userlist will have access to SpamServ settings. To check which access is neccessary do !set setters. To change that setting do !set setters <new value>.

Removing SpamServ

If you want to get SpamServ out of your channel, do /msg SpamServ unregister <#channel>. You have to be the owner of the channel to unregister SpamServ. Just like ChanServ, SpamServ will give you a confirmation code that you have to enter to confirm the unregistration. Please remember that once unregistered, SpamServ's settings for your channel will be lost and you will have to reset them if you re-request SpamServ for your channel. Furthermore, SpamServ will also part, and all settings will be lost if ChanServ leaves your channel.

Scan settings

SpamServ scans your channel, reading every line that is typed into the channel. There are several different scan types which have several settings. These settings can be modified by channel users with at least ChanServ setter access (see "Requesting SpamServ" for information on how to change that level). The scan is divided into the following scan types:

  • SpamScan: This scan punishes users for sending the same message (line) multiple times [default: enabled].
  • FloodScan: This scan punishes users for flooding the channel with messages [default: enabled].
  • TimeframeScan: This scan punishes users for sending too many messages in a given timeframe [default: disabled].
  • JoinFloodScan: This scan punishes users for join flooding the channel [default: enabled].
  • ChanFloodScan: This scan punishes users for flooding the channel (happens if a botnet joins and floods your channel mostly) [default: enabled].
  • BadwordScan: This scan searches for defined badwords in a channel message and takes action against the user who used the badword [default: disabled].
  • NoticeScan: This scan punishes users for sending notices to your channel [default: disabled].
  • CapsScan: This scan counts the capital letters in channel messages and punishes users if a given value is exceeded [default: disabled].
  • DigitScan: This scan counts the digits in channel messages and punishes users if a given value is exceeded [default: disabled].
All these scans can be disabled/enabled separately by using the -set command in channel.

Setting up SpamServ

To set up SpamServ, use the /msg SpamServ set or -set command. When you do -set, the channel scans and their current settings will be listed. Do -set <scanname> to see the current values the scan is set to. To change a setting’s value do -set <scanname> <setting> <value>.

Example: To change the SpamScan trigger to 3, (which allows a user to send an identical message 5 times) do -set SpamScan Trigger 3. This will be confirmed by SpamServ in a message similar to -SpamServ- Trigger 3 - User will be warned/punished after sending the identical message 5 times.

Scan types and their settings

SpamServ has some general settings that apply to almost every scan. To set a value for a scan, do -set <scantype> <setting> <value>. These general settings have the same values in all scans. Furthermore, there are specific settings that can be set for specific scans only. An overview of all possible scans and their settings can be found below. The scans will be described in order as found in -set.


This scan exists to check your channel for spam. Sending a message multiple times is considered to be spam. If this scan is enabled, SpamServ will perform the set reaction against the user who is spamming in your channel. By default, this scan is turned on; it will time ban any users sending the same message more than 4 times for 30 minutes. You can enable/disable this scan by doing -set SpamScan <on/off> in your channel. Possible settings for this scan are as follows.


To determine when SpamServ will take action do -set SpamScan Trigger <value>. This setting controls the amount of times a user can send the same line before SpamServ will react. Possible values are:

  • 0 - User will be warned/punished after sending an identical message twice
  • 1 - User will be warned/punished after sending an identical message three times
  • 2 - User will be warned/punished after sending an identical message four times
  • 3 - User will be warned/punished after sending an identical message five times
  • 4 - User will be warned/punished after sending an identical message six times


If you want to change the punishment, do -set SpamScan Reaction <value>. This setting determines what action SpamServ will take against the user who triggered this scan. Possible values for reaction are:

  • 0 - User will be kicked
  • 1 - User will be kick banned
  • 2 - User will be banned for a certain amount of time
  • 3 - User will be killed, this setting is available to irc operators only
  • 4 - User will be G-lined, this setting is available to irc operators only


If you set a reaction of 2 (User will be banned for a certain amount of time) or 4 (User will be G-lined) then you can also change the duration setting. This setting can be changed by doing -set SpamScan Duration <value>. The duration setting allows you to control how long a user will be banned or G-lined if SpamServ takes action against them for this scan. This setting is only necessary if you set a reaction setting of 2 or 4 since those are the only reactions that need a duration value. Possible duration values are:

  • 0 - 5 minutes
  • 1 - 15 minutes
  • 2 - 30 minutes
  • 3 - 1 hour
  • 4 - 3 hours
  • 5 - 6 hours
  • 6 - 12 hours
  • 7 - 1 day
  • 8 - 1 week


Warning can be toggled via -set SpamScan Warning <on/off>.
If warning is enabled, the user will get a warning prior to being punished.


SkipColorCodes can be toggled via -set SpamScan SkipColorCodes <on/off>.
If enabled, users can not evade punishment by adding color codes to their messages. This means, if a user is writing a message using several colors but it is the same message, SpamServ will recognize this and take action. If set to off, users can write the same message in different colors to evade punishment from SpamServ.


ScanChanOps can be toggled via -set SpamScan ScanChanOps <on/off>.
If that setting is enabled, messages from channel operators will be scanned and the channel operators will be punished as if they were normal users. If set to off, channel operators are immune from the SpamScan rule.


ScanVoiced can be toggled via -set SpamScan ScanVoiced <on/off>.
If you enable this, voiced users in your channel will be watched and punished as if they were normal users. If set to off, they won't be scanned by SpamServ.


This scan exists to check for a possible flood in your channel. Sending a lot of messages within a short period of time is considered flooding; if this scan is enabled, SpamServ will take action against the user who is flooding your channel. By default, this scan is turned on; it will time ban any users flooding your channel for 30 minutes. You can enable/disable this scan by doing -set FloodScan <on/off>. Since flooding is something that spams massive amounts of text to your channel in a short period of time, you can’t set a trigger for this scan. The possible settings for this scan are as follows.


If you want to change the punishment, do -set FloodScan Reaction <value>. This setting determines what action SpamServ will take against the user who triggered this scan. Possible values for reaction are:

  • 0 - User will be kicked
  • 1 - User will be kick banned
  • 2 - User will be banned for a certain amount of time
  • 3 - User will be killed, this setting is available to irc operators only
  • 4 - User will be G-lined, this setting is available to irc operators only


If you set a reaction of 2 (User will be banned for a certain amount of time) or 4 (User will be G-lined) then you can also change the duration setting. This setting can be changed by doing -set FloodScan Duration <value>. The duration setting allows you to control how long a user will be banned or G-lined if SpamServ takes action against them for this scan. This setting is only necessary if you set a reaction setting of 2 or 4 since those are the only reactions that need a duration value. Possible duration values are:

  • 0 - 5 minutes
  • 1 - 15 minutes
  • 2 - 30 minutes
  • 3 - 1 hour
  • 4 - 3 hours
  • 5 - 6 hours
  • 6 - 12 hours
  • 7 - 1 day
  • 8 - 1 week


Warning can be toggled via -set FloodScan Warning <on/off>.
If warning is enabled, the user will get a warning prior to being punished.


ScanChanOps can be toggled via -set FloodScan ScanChanOps <on/off>.
If that setting is enabled, messages from channel operators will be scanned and the channel operators will be punished as if they were normal users. If set to off, channel operators are immune from the FloodScan rule.


ScanVoiced can be toggled via -set FloodScan ScanVoiced <on/off>.
If you enable this, voiced users in your channel will be watched and punished as they were normal users. If set to off, they won't be scanned by SpamServ.


This scan exists to control the amount of text users are able to send within a certain time frame before getting punished. SpamServ will punish a user after they have sent a set amount of messages into the channel within a set amount of time. You can specify both of these values. This scan is turned off by default. To enable/disable this scan do -set TimeframeScan <on/off> in your channel. Possible settings for TimeframeScan are as follows:


To change the amount of messages users are allowed to send to your channel, use -set TimeframeScan Message <value>. Possible values for message are:

  • 0 - 1 message allowed within the given timeframe
  • 1 - 2 messages allowed within the given timeframe
  • 2 - 3 messages allowed within the given timeframe
  • 3 - 4 messages allowed within the given timeframe
  • 4 - 5 messages allowed within the given timeframe
  • 5 - 6 messages allowed within the given timeframe
  • 6 - 7 messages allowed within the given timeframe
  • 7 - 8 messages allowed within the given timeframe
  • 8 - 9 messages allowed within the given timeframe


For this scan to work, you also need to specify a timeframe where the number of messages during the set timeframe doesn't exceed the -set TimeFrameScan Message <value>. You can set this by typing -set TimeframeScan Timeframe <value>. This setting specifies the amount of time before the message count for the users will reset to 0, allowing them to send more messages. Possible values for timeframe are:

  • 0 - Allow the given number of messages within 15 seconds
  • 1 - Allow the given number of messages within 30 seconds
  • 2 - Allow the given number of messages within 45 seconds
  • 3 - Allow the given number of messages within 60 seconds
  • 4 - Allow the given number of messages within 90 seconds
  • 5 - Allow the given number of messages within 2 minutes
  • 6 - Allow the given number of messages within 3 minutes
  • 7 - Allow the given number of messages within 4 minutes
  • 8 - Allow the given number of messages within 5 minutes
  • 9 - Allow the given number of messages within 10 minutes
  • 10 - Allow the given number of messages within 15 minutes


If you want to change the punishment, do -set TimeframeScan Reaction <value>. This setting determines what action SpamServ will take against the user who triggered this scan. Possible values for reaction are:

  • 0 - User will be kicked
  • 1 - User will be kick banned
  • 2 - User will be banned for a certain amount of time
  • 3 - User will be killed, this setting is available to irc operators only
  • 4 - User will be G-lined, this setting is available to irc operators only


If you set a reaction of 2 (User will be banned for a certain amount of time) or 4 (User will be G-lined) then you can also change the duration setting. This setting can be changed by doing -set TimeframeScan Duration <value>. The duration setting allows you to control how long a user will be banned or G-lined if SpamServ takes action against them for this scan. This setting is only necessary if you set a reaction setting of 2 or 4 since those are the only reactions that need a duration value. Possible duration values are:

  • 0 - 5 minutes
  • 1 - 15 minutes
  • 2 - 30 minutes
  • 3 - 1 hour
  • 4 - 3 hours
  • 5 - 6 hours
  • 6 - 12 hours
  • 7 - 1 day
  • 8 - 1 week


ScanChanOps can be toggled via -set TimeframeScan ScanChanOps <on/off>.
If that setting is enabled, messages from channel operators will be scanned and the channel operators will be punished as if they were normal users. If set to off, channel operators are immune from the TimeframeScan rule.


ScanVoiced can be toggled via -set TimeframeScan ScanVoiced <on/off>.
If you enable this, voiced users in your channel will be watched and punished as they were normal users. If set to off, they won't be scanned by SpamServ.


This scan will prevent users from joining your channel several times within a short timeframe. You can specify the amount of rejoins that will be allowed and the reaction that is taken if a user violates that limit. By default, this scan is turned on; it will time ban any users rejoining your channel more than 3 times for 30 minutes. To enable/disable this scan do -set JoinFloodScan <on/off> in your channel. Possible settings for JoinFloodScan are as follows:


To determine the amount of rejoins that will be considered joinflooding do -set JoinFloodScan Trigger <value>. This setting controls how many times a user can rejoin before SpamServ will take action against the user. Possible values for trigger are:

  • 0 - User will be punished after rejoining twice
  • 1 - User will be punished after rejoining three times
  • 2 - User will be punished after rejoining four times
  • 3 - User will be punished after rejoining five times


If you want to change the punishment, do -set JoinFloodScan Reaction <value>. This setting determines what action SpamServ will take against the user who triggered this scan. Possible values for reaction are:

  • 0 - User will be kicked
  • 1 - User will be kick banned
  • 2 - User will be banned for a certain amount of time
  • 3 - User will be killed, this setting is available to irc operators only
  • 4 - User will be G-lined, this setting is available to irc operators only


If you set a reaction of 2 (User will be banned for a certain amount of time) or 4 (User will be G-lined) then you can also change the duration setting. This setting can be changed by doing -set JoinFloodScan Duration <value>. The duration setting allows you to control how long a user will be banned or G-lined if SpamServ takes action against them for this scan. This setting is only necessary if you set a reaction setting of 2 or 4 since those are the only reactions that need a duration value. Possible duration values are:

  • 0 - 5 minutes
  • 1 - 15 minutes
  • 2 - 30 minutes
  • 3 - 1 hour
  • 4 - 3 hours
  • 5 - 6 hours
  • 6 - 12 hours
  • 7 - 1 day
  • 8 - 1 week


Warning can be toggled via -set JoinFloodScan Warning <on/off>.
If warning is enabled, the user will get a warning prior to being punished.


This scan checks your channel for possible channel flood attacks, normally performed by so-called botnets. You can determine the action that is taken against a botnet and the methods this scan type uses as it searches for botnets. By default this scan is turned on; it will time ban any users flooding your channel for 30 minutes. It will check text in your channel as well as joins and nick changes. To enable/disable this scan do -set ChanFloodScan <on/off> in your channel. The available settings for this scan are as follows.


If you want to change the punishment, do -set ChanFloodScan Reaction <value>. This setting determines what action SpamServ will take against the user who triggered this scan. Possible values for reaction are:

  • 0 - User will be kicked
  • 1 - User will be kick banned
  • 2 - User will be banned for a certain amount of time
  • 3 - User will be killed, this setting is available to irc operators only
  • 4 - User will be G-lined, this setting is available to irc operators only


If you set a reaction of 2 (User will be banned for a certain amount of time) or 4 (User will be G-lined) then you can also change the duration setting. This setting can be changed by doing -set ChanFloodScan Duration <value>. The duration setting allows you to control how long a user will be banned or G-lined if SpamServ takes action against them for this scan. This setting is only necessary if you set a reaction setting of 2 or 4 since those are the only reactions that need a duration value. Possible duration values are:

  • 0 - 5 minutes
  • 1 - 15 minutes
  • 2 - 30 minutes
  • 3 - 1 hour
  • 4 - 3 hours
  • 5 - 6 hours
  • 6 - 12 hours
  • 7 - 1 day
  • 8 - 1 week


ScanText can be toggled via -set ChanFloodScan ScanText <on/off>.
If this setting is enabled, SpamServ scans all channel messages for possible flood attacks. This is to recognize botnets by checking their output.


ScanJoins can be toggled via -set ChanFloodScan ScanJoins <on/off>.
If this setting is enabled, mass joins will be detected and the users in question will be checked. If there is a possibility of a flood attack, they will be punished.


ScanText can be toggled via -set ChanFloodScan ScanNickChanges <on/off>.
If this setting is enabled, SpamServ checks for mass nickchanges which reveal a botnet. It then punishes the users in question.


SkipColorCodes can be toggled via -set ChanFloodScan SkipColorCodes <on/off>.
If enabled, users can not evade punishment by adding color codes to their messages. This means, if a user is writing a message using several colors but it is the same message, SpamServ will recognize this and take action. If set to off, users can write the same message in different colors to evade punishment from SpamServ.


ScanChanOps can be toggled via -set ChanFloodScan ScanChanOps <on/off>.
If that setting is enabled, messages from channel operators will be scanned and the channel operators will be punished as if they were normal users. If set to off, channel operators are immune from the ChanFloodScan rule.


ScanVoiced can be toggled via -set ChanFloodScan ScanVoiced <on/off>.
If you enable this, voiced users in your channel will be watched and punished as they were normal users. If set to off, they won't be scanned by SpamServ.


This scan scans your channel messages for certain badwords you can specify. More information on how this scan works in detail can be found later in this guide. This scan is turned off by default. To enable/disable this scan do -set BadwordScan <on/off> in your channel. Possible settings for BadwordScan are as follows.


If you want to change the punishment, do -set BadwordScan Reaction <value>. This setting determines what action SpamServ will take against the user who triggered this scan. Possible values for reaction are:

  • 0 - User will be kicked
  • 1 - User will be kick banned
  • 2 - User will be banned for a certain amount of time
  • 3 - User will be killed, this setting is available to irc operators only
  • 4 - User will be G-lined, this setting is available to irc operators only


If you set a reaction of 2 (User will be banned for a certain amount of time) or 4 (User will be G-lined) then you can also change the duration setting. This setting can be changed by doing -set BadwordScan Duration <value>. The duration setting allows you to control how long a user will be banned or G-lined if SpamServ takes action against them for this scan. This setting is only necessary if you set a reaction setting of 2 or 4 since those are the only reactions that need a duration value. Possible duration values are:

  • 0 - 5 minutes
  • 1 - 15 minutes
  • 2 - 30 minutes
  • 3 - 1 hour
  • 4 - 3 hours
  • 5 - 6 hours
  • 6 - 12 hours
  • 7 - 1 day
  • 8 - 1 week


SkipColorCodes can be toggled via -set BadwordScan SkipColorCodes <on/off>.
If enabled, users can not evade punishment by adding color codes to their messages. This means, if a user is writing a message using several colors but it is the same message, SpamServ will recognize this and take action. If set to off, users can write the same message in different colors to evade punishment from SpamServ.


ScanChanOps can be toggled via -set BadwordScan ScanChanOps <on/off>.
If that setting is enabled, messages from channel operators will be scanned and the channel operators will be punished as if they were normal users. If set to off, channel operators are immune from the BadwordScan rule.


ScanVoiced can be toggled via -set BadwordScan ScanVoiced <on/off>.
If you enable this, voiced users in your channel will be watched and punished as they were normal users. If set to off, they won't be scanned by SpamServ.


HideBadword can be toggled via -set BadwordScan HideBadword <on/off>.
If you enable this, then the badword will not be displayed in the kick message when a user triggers this scan.

More information on how BadwordScan works in detail will follow later on in this guide.


This scan prevents users from sending notices to your channel. If a user sends a notice to your channel while this scan is turned on, they will be punished as specified. This scan is turned off by default. To enable/disable this scan type -set NoticeScan <on/off> in your channel. Possible settings for NoticeScan are as follows.


If you want to change the punishment, do -set NoticeScan Reaction <value>. This setting determines what action SpamServ will take against the user who triggered this scan. Possible values for reaction are:

  • 0 - User will be kicked
  • 1 - User will be kick banned
  • 2 - User will be banned for a certain amount of time
  • 3 - User will be killed, this setting is available to irc operators only
  • 4 - User will be G-lined, this setting is available to irc operators only


If you set a reaction of 2 (User will be banned for a certain amount of time) or 4 (User will be G-lined) then you can also change the duration setting. This setting can be changed by doing -set NoticeScan Duration <value>. The duration setting allows you to control how long a user will be banned or G-lined if SpamServ takes action against them for this scan. This setting is only necessary if you set a reaction setting of 2 or 4 since those are the only reactions that need a duration value. Possible duration values are:

  • 0 - 5 minutes
  • 1 - 15 minutes
  • 2 - 30 minutes
  • 3 - 1 hour
  • 4 - 3 hours
  • 5 - 6 hours
  • 6 - 12 hours
  • 7 - 1 day
  • 8 - 1 week


ScanChanOps can be toggled via -set NoticeScan ScanChanOps <on/off>.
If that setting is enabled, messages from channel operators will be scanned and the channel operators will be punished as if they were normal users. If set to off, channel operators are immune from the NoticeScan rule.


ScanVoiced can be toggled via -set NoticeScan ScanVoiced <on/off>.
If you enable this, voiced users in your channel will be watched and punished as they were normal users. If set to off, they won't be scanned by SpamServ.


This scan allows you to scan messages in your channel for capitalized letters in messages. Once a certain percentage of the capitalized text is exceeded within a message, the user will be punished by the method you defined. The user will not be punished if his message contains less than 7 characters. This scan is turned off by default. To enable/disable this scan do -set CapsScan <on/off> in your channel. Possible settings for CapsScan are as follows.


The percentage of capitalized letters in your channel messages allowed is set via -set CapsScan Percent <value>. If a user has more capitalized text in his message than your Percent value allows, SpamServ will punish them as you specify in -set CapsScan Reaction. There are the following values:

  • 0 - Tolerates 10% capitalized letters
  • 1 - Tolerates 20% capitalized letters
  • 2 - Tolerates 30% capitalized letters
  • 3 - Tolerates 40% capitalized letters
  • 4 - Tolerates 50% capitalized letters
  • 5 - Tolerates 60% capitalized letters
  • 6 - Tolerates 70% capitalized letters
  • 7 - Tolerates 80% capitalized letters
  • 8 - Tolerates 90% capitalized letters


If you want to change the punishment, do -set CapsScan Reaction <value>. This setting determines what action SpamServ will take against the user who triggered this scan. Possible values for reaction are:

  • 0 - User will be kicked
  • 1 - User will be kick banned
  • 2 - User will be banned for a certain amount of time
  • 3 - User will be killed, this setting is available to irc operators only
  • 4 - User will be G-lined, this setting is available to irc operators only


If you set a reaction of 2 (User will be banned for a certain amount of time) or 4 (User will be G-lined) then you can also change the duration setting. This setting can be changed by doing -set CapsScan Duration <value>. The duration setting allows you to control how long a user will be banned or G-lined if SpamServ takes action against them for this scan. This setting is only necessary if you set a reaction setting of 2 or 4 since those are the only reactions that need a duration value. Possible duration values are:

  • 0 - 5 minutes
  • 1 - 15 minutes
  • 2 - 30 minutes
  • 3 - 1 hour
  • 4 - 3 hours
  • 5 - 6 hours
  • 6 - 12 hours
  • 7 - 1 day
  • 8 - 1 week


ScanChanOps can be toggled via -set CapsScan ScanChanOps <on/off>.
If that setting is enabled, messages from channel operators will be scanned and the channel operators will be punished as if they were normal users. If set to off, channel operators are immune from the CapsScan rule.


ScanVoiced can be toggled via -set CapsScan ScanVoiced <on/off>.
If you enable this, voiced users in your channel will be watched and punished as they were normal users. If set to off, they won't be scanned by SpamServ.


This scan allows you to control the amount of digits in messages. Once enabled it checks messages for digits they include and punishes users if they exceed the allowed limit you set. The user will not be punished if his message contains less than 7 characters. This scan is turned off by default. To enable/disable this scan do -set DigitScan <on/off> in your channel. Possible settings for DigitScan are as follows.


The percentage of digits in your channel messages allowed is set via -set DigitScan Percent <value>. If a user has more digits in his message than your Percent value allows, SpamServ will punish them. There are the following values:

  • 0 - Tolerates 10% digits
  • 1 - Tolerates 20% digits
  • 2 - Tolerates 30% digits
  • 3 - Tolerates 40% digits
  • 4 - Tolerates 50% digits
  • 5 - Tolerates 60% digits
  • 6 - Tolerates 70% digits
  • 7 - Tolerates 80% digits
  • 8 - Tolerates 90% digits


If you want to change the punishment, do -set DigitScan Reaction <value>. This setting determines what action SpamServ will take against the user who triggered this scan. Possible values for reaction are:

  • 0 - User will be kicked
  • 1 - User will be kick banned
  • 2 - User will be banned for a certain amount of time
  • 3 - User will be killed, this setting is available to irc operators only
  • 4 - User will be G-lined, this setting is available to irc operators only


If you set a reaction of 2 (User will be banned for a certain amount of time) or 4 (User will be G-lined) then you can also change the duration setting. This setting can be changed by doing -set DigitScan Duration <value>. The duration setting allows you to control how long a user will be banned or G-lined if SpamServ takes action against them for this scan. This setting is only necessary if you set a reaction setting of 2 or 4 since those are the only reactions that need a duration value. Possible duration values are:

  • 0 - 5 minutes
  • 1 - 15 minutes
  • 2 - 30 minutes
  • 3 - 1 hour
  • 4 - 3 hours
  • 5 - 6 hours
  • 6 - 12 hours
  • 7 - 1 day
  • 8 - 1 week


ScanChanOps can be toggled via -set DigitScan ScanChanOps <on/off>.
If that setting is enabled, messages from channel operators will be scanned and the channel operators will be punished as if they were normal users. If set to off, channel operators are immune from the DigitScan rule.


ScanVoiced can be toggled via -set DigitScan ScanVoiced <on/off>.
If you enable this, voiced users in your channel will be watched and punished as they were normal users. If set to off, they won't be scanned by SpamServ.

Badword scanning

SpamServ gives you the ability to add certain badwords to a badwordlist. If that badword is mentioned in a message, the user posting that badword will be punished by the method you set it in BadwordScan. Please remember that this scan is turned off by default and you will have to activate it by typing -set BadwordScan on in your channel.

To add a certain badword do -addbadword *badword*. This will punish users for using the word badword in their message. Please be sure to add the asterisks in front and at the end of your badword since that is the only way to ensure SpamServ checks the whole line for it. If you add *badword it will search for the badword only at the end of a users message and if you add badword* it will only search for it at the beginning of a message. You can also enter an asterisk in your badword to search for split up badwords.

If you run -addbadword *you*suck* then SpamServ would punish on you really suck as well as on you suck. This is a useful way to make your badwords work better. You can also add a ? to place a random letter/digit. So by using -addbadword *fuck?r*, SpamServ will punish on fucker as well as on fuck3r. Use these methods to get the maximum functionality out of the badword feature.

You can also add a reason for a badword in the command by simply adding the reason after the badword. Using -addbadword *you*suck* That is not very nice will cause SpamServ to punish the user with the reason That is not very nice. It is always nice to add a reason to a badword since the user might not understand why he or she was kicked. The reason can not be longer than 25 characters

To list all the badwords you have on your badwordlist do -listbadword in your channel. SpamServ will then list all badwords set in your channel along with the reasons.

To delete a badword from the list do -delbadword <badword>. This will delete the badword and SpamServ will no longer enforce it on users.

Hint: To disallow all channel advertisements in your channel do -addbadword *#?*. This will add a badword on # and any random letter, causing all users who send a channel advertisement to be punished.

Hint: Remember to set your badword like *badword* always. The asterisks are important to recognize badwords in longer messages.

Exceptions from badwords

SpamServ gives you the option to add exceptions to your badword. This comes in handy if you want to prohibit channel advertisement in your channel except for maybe one or two. This can be done via -addexception *#?* *gamesurge*. This would allow the channel #gamesurge be said in your channel but disallow #help or any other channel names.

Another example for that would be that you disallowed *www.* to prohibit website addresses in your channel. You could use -addexception *www.* *yourclanpage* to allow your clanpage to be posted in your channel without any punishment.

To list all exceptions there are in a channel just do -listexception *badword*. This will list all exceptions there are set on the specified badword.

To delete an exception from the exception list do -delexception *badword* *exception*. This will delete the exception from the exception list.

Hint: If you delete a badword which has exceptions, the exceptions on this badword will be deleted also.

Statistics and help

To get statistics on your channel do -stats in your channel. This will show you how much each scan was triggered in your channel since SpamServ joined. This includes how many users have been punished by the scans.

If you're confused with SpamServ's commands just do -help and our online help will guide you through the commands and values.

We hope this guide helped you understand the full functionality of SpamServ and we're proud to introduce this new network service which will provide more service and security for you.

SpamServ - Copyright 2008 by feigling
SpamServ Guide - Copyright 2008 by SaniToeter, feigling

Last Revision: 01/19/2015

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